Home - Company

People over Everything. Support great people. Drive great business.

Our Values

What we believe in

Our Mission

Alleviating burden, reducing stress and implementing new and innovative solutions.

Alleviate. Innovate. Operate.

Alleviate. Innovate. Operate.

Breathe is more than accounting. We serve as a daily reminder to slow down and know we’ve got your back.

Constantly moving, business owners often feel as though the week has lost its way. Too much to do, not enough time. That’s where we can help. Our team of professionals are here to take the burden out of business. Helping you achieve your business goals, stay on track and pave the way to a successful future.
breathe office
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Welcome to Breathe Accounting

Join Reon Tither, one of our esteemed Directors, as he introduces Breathe Accounting’s innovative approach. Witness a blend of meticulous accounting and tailored creative solutions, designed to push beyond traditional boundaries. It’s not just about balanced books but empowering your business to reach unprecedented heights. 

Our Team

The faces
of Breathe


Justin Golds



Kiko Willers


breathe 0005 Reon bhrS 318

Reon Tither



Jackie Clark

Manager Administration

Breathe Beth

Beth Johnston-Lingham

Manager Business Services

natalie web

Natalie Wheeler

Manager Business Services


Jacinta Fazey

Manager Human Resources

breathe 0004 Ros bhr 18 1

Roslyn De Campo

Senior Accountant

breathe 0024 Clarin BHRPapaliaCarlin 2

Clarin Crane

Senior Accountant

breathe 0007 Nick bhrS 306

Nicholas Hodgins

Senior Accountant


Kiel Jackson


Breathe Sam

Samantha Wells



Vaughn Schoultz


breathe 0003 Sharon bhrS 357

Sharon Johnson

Senior Bookkeeper

breathe 0013 Leonie bhrS 168

Leonie Shapkaris

Senior Bookkeeper


Tanya Farnsworth

Senior Bookkeeper

breathe 0006 Rachel 22386149 pp

Rachel Douglass


Breathe Mel

Melissa Walker


breathe 0010 Maddi bhrS 220

Maddi Nuske

Coordinator Business Services

breanna web

Breanna Ursino

Administration Officer

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Jaimee Bishop

Administration Officer


Jacey Barbour

Administration Officer

breathe 0019 Jade 15

Jade Espinos

Administration Officer

We are your
partner in growth

Too often in today’s world of hustle, bustle and grind do we forget to live in the moment. Those work emails that keep us up at night won’t be what keeps us going in the years to come. That’s why we are on a mission to alleviate stress and inspire. We hope to remind you that you’ve got our support so… pause. Take a breath. Experience calm and carry on doing what you do best.